It’s important to take your marketing strategy into the online and digital space. It cannot sit in the old-fashioned ways and become stagnant. However, there are still the old principles of people, place, price, and product that will remain an integral foundation of marketing and will not change regardless of the modernity of the medium. It’s important to look at the way in which marketing has changed over the decades. Marketing 1.0 was about the product and pushing product to the customer, this changed into a marketing 2.0 which shifted to a consumer-orientated focus where the customer became the most important thing and the famous, ‘customer is always right’ came about.

In later years marketing 3.0 became values-driven which would reach out to customers’ emotions and prey on their emotional values, connections, and responses. The most recent marketing strategies have been a healthy blend of all three previous with a move towards using multiple platforms and channels to deliver to. It won’t be long until this shifts again, but right now as a business you need to know how to market in a digital 4.0 world otherwise you will get lost in the wealth of competitors that can now access your audience a whole lot more easily than before. 

Making use of social media

Advertising on social media is not just a one stone many birds approach, or a one size fits all approach. If you do this, you will quickly get burnt and find your brand reputation taking a knock. It is very important that you take time to understand which platforms your customers are using and then do some research into how that platform works. Interacting and engaging with clients through social media is different depending on which you are using, and you need to know-how. There are also formal advertising campaigns that you can pay for on each and this too should be carefully constructed. 

Use your data to improve your online marketing

If you’re wanting to target an online marketing Australia audience, use the data that already exists to direct your marketing strategy. Your website and social media pages can also give you insights into understanding your audience which will guide how you market and what methodology to use. You’ll be able to know how long your customers are spending on each page, where they go to next, what they’re looking at, what they are clicking on. It could even show you what time of day people respond more to your public posts than at other times.

Keep it mobile

Everything you do needs to be just as easy to access and engage with through a mobile device. This takes specific planning and design and can’t be a one size fits all as it will require your IT team engineering team to cater for. People are relying on mobility and are often refraining from using their work laptops for personal use and they will be more interactive from their phones.


Sumit is a Tech and Gadget freak and loves writing about Android and iOS, his favourite past time is playing video games.

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